Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weekend Saga :

It was saturday [19th dec] - the last weekend before christmas and two weeks to the new year. The rain clouds in Chennai had disappeared and given way to a day full of welcome sun shine. The day was a welcome break from the unusually chilly week. As I lay in bed wondering what to do next, the 10'clk alarm went off.

Today is my roommate Aru's birthday. So we had arranged for a plum cake the previous night and had a big two hour celebration. As I woke up and foraged around the house for snacks, I could understand Aru, Vijay and Mani have already woken up and were ready. Aru and Vijay were going to Lifeline for Vijay's physiotheraphy and Mani on his way to Vadapalani to manage his bro's shop. My bro was still asleep. Weekend sleep is a big bonus for most of the professionals in IT industry as most companies have a strict work scheduling.

I bade goodbye to all three guys and was lying in my sofa browsing boringly thru the channel list of my Set Top Box. Australia was on its way to winning the match and england was trying to contain Sotuh African batsmen. I was thinking to goto the Hyundai Show room to see I10. My bro who had by now woken up offered to make a toast and I happily accepted.

With breakfast done and nothing to do, I was getting bored. Just then my buddy Anand called up asked if we can metup sometim in the evening. As I didnt have much to do after six we agreed to meet at Nungambakkam. By bro had got Fish and we had a meal of rice, gongura chutney, fried fish, rasam, chips, salad and curd.

After lunch we started for Levis to check out their new apparels [just window shopping :-) ] and then to globus to check out their new offer. The offer didnt seem worth for money as its only on the Globus brand. I left for Nungambakkam to meet anand at KFC. KFC has quickly opened up nine restaurants in Chennai and every outlet is filled to its brim with KFC lovers. The interiors are nicely designed and is a good place to catch up with friends.

My roomies suggested we goto Avatar for the second show. After a quick and light dinner we were off to Ganapathiram. The theatre is neat and clean but still I wont say its a Family theatre with drunkards and trouble makers in all corners. The movie in itself is a great visual treat with wonderful screenplay and special effects. Its a must watch and am already planning my second time.

Sunday's are synonymous with ablutions and after washing all clothes and cleaning up the room we went out to Ponnusamy for my treat. We had a stupendous meal of every available non-veg dish. It was quarter past four when we reached home. We have decided to change our present home and for a better place. So we roommates started at five for house hunting in Adyar.

Its vry easy to get a house if you go to one of the house brokers in the area. But since we are in no mood to pay him that shit commission we were roaming all the streets of Shastri Nagar and Besant Nagar asking for any available flat. Even after 2 hours we didnt land up a a decent house with car parking. So giving up the hunt we reached home. After a quick face wash we were off to Besant Nagar beach. The beach is one of the few places in Chennai where you find fresh air and peace of mind. An hour in the beach, we realised its time for Neeya Naana show in Vijay TV.

After the weekend is almost over I realis I havn't completd by two biggest weekend commitments - studying for my MBA and going to Hyundai to check out i10. Promising to make them up over the due course of week, I retried to bed thinking of the Christmas week ahead !!!

1 comment:

kakai said...

Machi..what happened to the major weekend plan??..i thought you would mention it on your weekend saga list... "veattaikaaran (A...a)"..mission accomplished?? ;-)